Unmet Needs

EasyEdulab is a SaaS-based education management system for schools, colleges, coaching, and university with a seamless interface and easy customization.

Instructor icons created by noomtah - Flaticon
Administration Insights

A single view design software with a centralized database and cloud-based solutions is essential for the management to track and monitor the school’s operations.

Instructor icons created by noomtah - Flaticon
Academic Insights

Monitoring student progress across their entire academics is essential for quality education. We help schools in defining examinations, assignments, and syllabus coverage

Instructor icons created by noomtah - Flaticon
Communication Insight

We fulfills the communication gap between schools and parents. It keeps parents updated with student attendance, assignments, results, and continuous assessment.

Instructor icons created by noomtah - Flaticon
We help with Teacher Plan

EasyEdulab helps teachers to plan and perform their activities effectively like class routine, attendance, and syllabus coverage with a single click. It makes conducting examinations, results & evaluations, and assignments much simpler

Portal icon created by flatart_icons - Flaticon
Personalized Interface for Teacher, Students & Parents

All stakeholders get their personal login credentials to access the application as per their roles from where they access academic and administrative pieces of information.

tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
Monitoring and Tracking Users

School or college management can monitor and track all operations & activities from anywhere. And they can assess the teachers' teaching and students' academic performance.

EasyEdulab Benefits

A Hassle-Free, Fast, Reliable, and Affordable Online Education Management software for schools, colleges, coaching, and universities

Ditch the spreadsheets and paper-based processes. Whether you have 50 to 5000 or more students and staff. With EasyEdulab they can manage all essential institutions operations like student enrollment, fees, transport, exams & Results, Courses, etc

Reduce Cost
Data Security
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
Reduce Cost
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
Data Security
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
Super Admin
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon

Multiple Users Login

We have multiple user access module to make school, college and universities operations easy by providing personalize interface to each login as per their roles and responsibility

tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
Super Admin
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon
tracking icons created by created by Parzival'1997 - Flaticon

Digitize Your Admission Process

Online Exam Software where you can create your own exams, send e-mail invitations, and conduct webcam proctored and Browser Tracking online exams in a secure and monitored way.

Online Preparation

Online Preparation Software where you can test your skills, improve your skills. We have 80k+ users using our software for online skill test and improving their skills.

 4 Questions

 20 Marks

Analysis of Graphs

Analysis of Graphs





Live Exam

 4 Questions

 20 Marks

Introduction of Motion ...

Introduction of Motion | Displacement & Path Length





Live Exam

Motion In A Straight Line

by Ritesh Singh


Course Detail

 Module 8
10h 0min

Motion In A Plane

by Ritesh Singh


Course Detail

 Module 5
8h 0min


Each feature that we put into the system is carefully crafted and meaningfully solves a problem or challenge. All features are highly customizable, adhere to the highest standards of usability and provide the best possible user experience

Events & Notice

In Events & Notice option, parents or students can be easily informed about any kind of function, meeting or holidays or about any other circular.

Class & Library Manager

Under class manager, as many classes as required with corresponding section can be created. Under Library manager, books can be added, assigned.

Exam & Result

It includes entire process from examinations, datesheet, admit cards downloading and printing, marks submission, to result downloading and printing.

Fee Management

Here, fees of any number of months can be submitted. Monthly and yearly fee report can be generated and view. Messages can be sent for dues and on submission as well.

Student/Teacher Management

Students and teachers can be added and updated either manually or through excel sheet upload. Their details can be submitted, edited and view.

Account Management

Here, whole cycle of income and expenses can be maintained. Aggregated expense and income can be viewed in a table and on a graph as well.

Attendance Management

Here, a quick and accurate record of attendance of students and teachers can be added and updated. Messages can be sent to those who are absent

Transport Management

Here, transport routes can be added, updated and deleted. Correspondingly, students can be added and fee can be charged.

Dress & Book Management

Here, dress and books sets can be added to inventory, sold to students and entire inventory status can be maintained and tracked.

Easy to access

Use EasyEdulab on your laptop, mobile or tab. It is a web-based application which features a centralized storage data that helps students, teachers and parents to access the data anywhere and anytime.

Web Application

EasyEdulab has all required modules for schools, colleges and other institutions, intergrated in one application, that to increase their productivity and reduce the time and effort, with the most User friendly interface.


EasyEdulab is available for 15 days Free Trial and then, they are suitable plans based on your area. You can start with free plan and then, can upgrade to paid if you it find useful and suitable to your institution.


We provide free of cost first time demo and 24X7 hours support to gets you started by helping you import existing students & other records over our multi-channel support includes email, call system, remotely and WhatsApp.

High Availability

High availability architecture is an approach of defining the components, modules or implementation of services of a system which ensures optimal operational performance, even at times of high loads.

Cloud Infrastructure

We host this web based education management software over cloud. To access and manage your school/college, all you need is a computer, mobile, or table at anytime from everywhere.

Academic Partners

EasyEdulab Education Management Software | SaaS System

Various web-based services with EasyEdulab to enable various benefits for your institute


for K12 students

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